ECON 2201 Intermediate Micro (Spring 2011)

This class is taught by Professor Segerson, and course materials can be accessed via MyEconLab. I lead three discussion sections:

1D9 a.m.KNS 311
3D10 a.m.KNS 311
5D12 p.m.ARJ 215

If you're registered for any of my sections, feel free to attend whichever section meets your schedule best on that particular Friday (as long as there are enough seats for those registered for that section). 1D has the most extra space.

In my opinion, ECON 2201 is the most important economics class you'll take at UConn, and investment in learning this material will pay off in every subsequent economics class. There is a website that accompanies the Perloff text. Some other books you might find useful for expanding on what is taught in lecture and discussion are listed below:

Registering for MyEconLab

How to Register and Enroll in Your MyEconLab Course

Welcome to MyEconLab! Your instructor has set up a MyEconLab course for you.
Textbook: Perloff: Microeconomics, 5e
Course Name: Econ 2201 Intermediate Micro - Perloff
Course ID:  XL0K-X14J-601Y-7GE2

    To join your instructor's course, please complete the following two steps:
    1. REGISTER for MyEconLab, and, 2. ENROLL in your instructor's course

    To register, you will need:
    1. A valid e-mail address, and, 2. The access code that came with your MyEconLab Access Kit
    If you don't have an access kit, you can purchase access online at
    You will have the choice to purchase access with or without a full etext. Once enrolled in your professor's course, you will also have the option to purchase a discounted version of your text.

    Step 1: Register for MyEconLab
    1. Go to and click the Students button, in the Register section.
    2. Follow the on-screen instructions for choosing author and title.
    3. Choose Register with an Access Kit/Code if an access kit was included with your book. If you need to purchase access online, click Purchase Access.
    4. Follow the instructions to set up your login and password and register for your course.

    Step 2: Enroll in your instructor's course
    1. Log in to MyEconLab at with your newly created Login Name and Password
    2. Enter your Course ID:   XL0K-X14J-601Y-7GE2
    If you purchased access, visit the Student Center inside your Instructor's Course for additional purchase options.

    Note: If you are taking two MyEconLab courses simultaneously you will need two separate login accounts.

    Need Help? For assistance, please visit

<= Robert Szarka