ECON 2201 Intermediate Economics Reading List
Updated: 2011-12-11

Nota Bene: Readings will be added as the semester progresses, and I also reserve the right to make reasonable changes to the schedule as necessary, so please check back periodically.

Your first priority should be the readings and problems in the McCloskey text. Tackle the "supplementary readings" as you find time, and try to complete at least half. To access restricted journal articles from off-campus, use the UConn library remote access system.



Exam #1: Monday, September 26

Demand (continued)


Production and Welfare

Exam #2: Friday, October 21

Production and Markets


Exam #3: Friday, November 18

Monopoly (continued)

Game Theory & Oligopoly

Final Exam: Wednesday, December 14, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm, Montieth 217

<= ECON 2201