We are but packets in the Internet of life...

Rob Szarka's Home Page

#include "underconstruction.h"

"Take him away for regrooving!" - Firesign Theatre, "Le Trente-Huit Cunegonde"

After some 20+ years, the long neglect of my personal site has finally taken its toll. There's nothing left to do but tear it all down and start again. Meanwhile, here are the links you need to find the Szarka-related stuff you're really looking for anyway.

I'm a social kind of guy...

"'I'm merely developing the theme, putting forward the idea that people who wear masks are no longer uncommon, and that it's difficult nowdays to recognize the man underneath.'" - Dostoevsky, The Double

These other szarkas are also me:

Last Update: 2025-01-08
©1994–2025 Robert Szarka